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Hi, I'm Dawn - A Minimalist & Mother of Four

IF WE HAVEN’T MET BEFORE - I have four kids, ages ten through 15.

We've called ourselves minimalists for about nine years and couldn't imagine living any other way. And because it's positively impacted our lives, we enjoy sharing tips and tricks to help you simplify your home quickly, too.

Our Journey Began Several Years Ago...

From the outside looking in, we were living the
American dream

We had it all: we had four healthy kids, I got to stay home with them and we were making ends meet.

Amidst it all, I was becoming resentful towards the stuff in our house. I remember thinking, “Why would I pick up all of these toys on the floor when I’m just going to have to pick them up again tomorrow?” It’s like our stuff was saying, “Dawn, why can’t you keep your kids’ toys picked up? Why can’t you keep the dishes done? Why can’t you keep up?”

Something didn’t feel right.

"I Want To Live Like That"

Then I came across a podcast by Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist and all I could think was, “I want to live like that!” He talked about living with less and how if we aren’t careful we can become “stuff managers”. He discussed how clutter eats away at our time, zaps our energy, causes stress, and makes our life and our home chaotic. Over the next year, I started clearing out the clutter and haven’t looked back. 

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I Don't Miss Any Of That Stuff, And I Don't Think You Will Either

So join me as we declutter together and discover what’s under all of those piles… I bet it’ll be better than you ever imagined!

- Dawn