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FREE 4-Day Post-Holiday Reset!

The holidays can take a toll on our home. If your house is feeling messy and overwhelming, let's reset it TOGETHER! For four days after Christmas, I'd love to guide you and help you get your home back to square one!


What you can expect...

Motivation, Accountability & Encouragement!

 4 Live Cleaning & Decluttering Sessions

COST: Free!

WHEN: When you sign up you'll get access to the replays of all four hours of guided decluttering!

WHERE: On a private YouTube link - no social media required!

How it worked:

  • I went live each day at 9:00am CST for one hour (you'll get access to these replays!)

  • Each day we had a set space that I guided you through cleaning & decluttering

  • We used the power of "body doubling" or working together to stay motivated & accountable!

  • I also answered many common questions in each space!

You'll have access to all of the replays until 9:00pm CST on Saturday, Dec. 30, 2023. After that, they can be viewed in our Mentorship Group or Take Your House Back Course.


Bonus! Saturday: 25 Things to Declutter from Your Kitchen NOW!

This bonus session will be available to anyone in our Mentorship Group or Take Your House Back Course. These are ongoing programs to help you declutter and simplify your home.


The Game Plan:

Tuesday: Main Living Spaces

We started with the floor and worked our way up! We talked about overcoming lack of motivation & low energy.

Wednesday: Master Bedroom

Often the master bedroom becomes the staging and hiding area during the holidays. We talked about the 80% rule and how to keep your spaces more tidy moving forward!

Thursday: Dining Room & Toys

Flat surfaces are the WORST! But don't worry, I shared simple tactics to handle the clutter and we talked about a mega mindset shift around kids toys & how to declutter them!

Friday: Drop ZoneEntry or  Mudroom

Where we come into our home can actually set the tone for the WHOLE house. I shared some of my best tactics for keeping this space clean & organized!

You only need 3 things to join us!

- an internet connection
- a black trash bag
- a donation box

...I'll do the rest! I'll guide you through each space so that you feel confident cleaning and decluttering, and it'll be easy to maintain moving forward!

"Honestly, I wasn't feeling motivated at all, but your energy is contagious and I couldn't help but work alongside you. I got SO much more done than I could have ever done on my own, thank you for doing this for us!" - Clara


"I'm sooooo thankful for all you do!!! Thank you again and again for how you have changed my thinking and for making my life get better and better, even when I only have 5 minutes!"


"After 6 months of following you my home was peaceful.  Dawn, you have been such a blessing. Thank you! Our lives have changed for the better and I am grateful."

Hi, I'm Dawn!

If we haven't met before, I'm married to Tom and we have four kids ages 9-14. We live in Minnesota and have called ourselves "minimalists" for about 8 years now. I decluttered 85% of our stuff and haven't missed any of it!

Our home is peaceful and easy to manage and I'd really like that for you, too!


"I'm feeling overwhelmed, where do I even start?"

The floor. Start with the floor. Just look for two things: 

 1) Trash. Look for packaging, wrappers and anything that is broken, used up or not worth keeping.

2) Next, look for things that just need to be put away. Things that already have a home like dishes, clothing and toys.

What's amazing, is that by focusing on these two types of clutter, you'll be tackling 60-80% of the items in your living spaces. Most things aren't hard, they're just mixed in with a few things that we don't know what to do with so it makes it all feel daunting!

Who this is best suited for…

>> Anyone feeling overwhelmed.

Chances are that your house felt a little out of control before the holidays even began and now you're left with an even bigger mess. We understand and we can help!

>> Those who are drained.

Who has extra energy for cleaning and decluttering right now? You deserve a weeklong vacation at an all-inclusive resort after all of the work you've just done! While I know that likely isn't possible, I can help you be ultra productive for 60 minutes so that you can get some down time, too.

>> Anyone whose kids are a little off the hook right now.

Christmas and everything that goes along with it is so overstimulating for kids. So if they're a little grouchy or out of sorts, let's get your home simplified so everyone is more at ease and happier!

>> Anyone feeling sad and down after the holidays.

This is real! If the year ahead feels daunting and hard, you might be surprised how bringing a little order to your physical space can be a huge mood booster. Plus you'll also enjoy the energy from thousands of women working together to get their homes in order... you aren't alone!


What is "Body Doubling"?

The concept is simple: two people work together on their respective tasks, either in person or online. This creates a sense of accountability and companionship, which can significantly boost motivation and focus.

For those who feel down, lonely or overwhelmed, the presence of another person working can provide a calming influence, making tasks seem more manageable and helping them stay focused and motivated. 



"I have four girls and two girls will be staying here with us and the other two will be at our house during the weekend.  And for the FIRST TIME EVER, I am not in a tailspin trying to get everything ready and our house clean for them!  It is a freedom that I have never experienced before!" 


"I was stuck in anger, stuck in clutter and mess, stuck feeling like every decision was so serious and detrimental to my future and I could not make progress because I wanted to be perfect. And you, Dawn, helped me lighten up, your light and joyful attitudes about letting stuff go."

"I have no energy & my whole house is a wreck. Will this actually help?"


Yes! There is something magical that happens when we come together as a group of women all with the same goal. You'll be able to borrow energy and motivation from the others who are working alongside you!

You can get your house under control this year and this is a great way to get started! 

You'll have access to all of the replays until 9:00pm CST on Saturday, Dec. 30, 2023. After that, they can be viewed in our Mentorship Group or Take Your House Back Course.


More questions?


Any questions?

Please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll respond promptly.

Thank you and I can’t wait to help you reset your house!

- Dawn